Quadro - a 3d printed quatropode - Part 1
I always wanted to build a legged robot and now i have finally found the moment.
The plan ( well initial plan 😄 )
- 12 DOF using MG90S microservos
- rpi zero w as brainz
- PCA9685 16 channel pwm driver for the many servos
- custom built battery pack out of two 3.6v li-ion cells with BMS
- an ubec to provide the 5v
- sensors TBD
- the pi will run a custom build linux image
- the control software will be spawned from an earlier project I've been playing with written in golang using a framework called gobot.io
- more TBD
I'm designing from scratch using FreeCAD (yes I'll redo it a few times 😄 )